people The three major ethnic
groups Mon - Khmer
tribe Tibet - belongs
to the Burmese group. Chin people Ethnicity ( 135
) . black 53 ethnic
groups _ _ there was. Chin
people Place of residence follow
the region Titin ( Tedim
) Chin , Phalangin Ha
Ka Chin, Your comrade, different Kan
Pe Lat Chin, and wrist flat
land Name Kind called. In
the Chin people's area in the far north Saramei
mountain It is a mountainous area. of
the region West South Manipur
plains Chow call Mete
Chin people The region. of
the region in the south True
Chintaung To be said playing There
are Falang and Hakha regions. of the region Mountain On
the side Victoria Mountain which
is around There is Pakokku area ( Kanpalet
) . West in
the north Rakhine mountain region ( Palatwa
) and Kalatan of
the river basin Also in the northwest Chin
people Living there
was. In addition and
the southern part of the Rakhine State East you Spleen In
the provinces Chin people live there observed have